Brief overview of the World
Geography Information:
The total area of the World is 510.072 Million square kilometer and 196.940 Million square miles.Total earth area of the world is 148.94 million square kilometer and 57.506 million square miles and the total sea area of the world is 361.132 million square kilometers and 139.434 million squaremiles. Total earth area percentage is 29.2% and total sea area percentage is 70.8%.
Total land area is 15 (fifteen) times more than United State of America's area. Mount Everest is the tallest point whose height is 8850 (eight thousand eight hundred and fifty) meters and 29035 (twenty nine thousand and thirty five) feet.
The world lowest sea level location is Merdar it is low 411 (four hundred and fourteen) meters and 1349 (one thousand and forty nine) feet from sea level location. The world's deep down point is Mariana Trench which is in Sea Kahal. It is 35840 (thirty five thousnd eight hundred and forty) meters and 10924 ( ten thousnd nine hundred and twenty four) deep.
Total land area is 15 (fifteen) times more than United State of America's area. Mount Everest is the tallest point whose height is 8850 (eight thousand eight hundred and fifty) meters and 29035 (twenty nine thousand and thirty five) feet.
The world lowest sea level location is Merdar it is low 411 (four hundred and fourteen) meters and 1349 (one thousand and forty nine) feet from sea level location. The world's deep down point is Mariana Trench which is in Sea Kahal. It is 35840 (thirty five thousnd eight hundred and forty) meters and 10924 ( ten thousnd nine hundred and twenty four) deep.
Total cultivation area of the world is 10.73 % and total area of forest in the world is 32 %.
According to 31 October 2010 total population of the world was 7 (seven) Arab but according to United State America total population of the world axceeded to 9 (nine) Arab. Total percentage of birth in the world 20.05 per thousand and percentage of death is 8.67 per thousand.
Total percentage of increasing population annualy is 1.14%. Average of literacy of the world is 82 %. Average years old is 64.77 years in men it are 63.16 years and in women are 66.47 years.
Total percentage of increasing population annualy is 1.14%. Average of literacy of the world is 82 %. Average years old is 64.77 years in men it are 63.16 years and in women are 66.47 years.
Governments and Economy:
There are 264 states in the world. which 207 (two hundred and seventeen) tyrannic and 17 (seventeen) contentious areas. The total national production of the world is 60.71 Trillion US dollars. Total annualy percentage of income 9500 dollars. Average of surplus is about 20 %. It is from 1 (one) to 3 (three) in the development countries and 5 (five) to 20 (twenty) percentage in under developement countries. The manpower in the world is 2.34 billions, percentage of unemployment in the industrial countries is 4 (four) to 12 (twelve) %.
Continent of the world:
The total earth area of the world is 148647000 square kilo meters and 57393000 square miles. Area of Earth divided into 7 (seven) different continents. These continents are as under:
- Sub-continent
- Continent Africa
- Continent North America
- Continent South America
- Continent Ataractica
- Continent Europe
- Continent Austrailia
Including Middle East its total area is 44,579,000 square kilometers and 17,212,000 square miles. Its total area of the earth in the world is 30 (thirty) percentage. Tallest poiny of the sub-continent is Mount Everest which is in Chine/Nipal and it is 8,850 meters and 29,035 feet tall. There are Russion faderation, China, South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Mangolia, Kazkistan, Uzbikstan, Tajkistan, Karghistan, Turkmanistan, Berma, Thailand, Louse, Wait Naam, Combodia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nipal, Sri Lanka, Botan, Maldeep, Singapur, Indonesia, Malaysia, Beronai, Filpine, East Taimoor, Afghanistan, Iran, Turki, Shaam, Urdan, Israel, Labnan, Kawait, Iraq, Qaberus, Falisteen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yaman, Katar and Behreen are countries in this world .Continent Africa:
Total area of continent africa is 30,065,000 square kilo meters and 11,608,000 square miles. The total earth area of continent Africa in the world is 20.2 %. The tallest point of this continent is Mount Klimanjaro which is in the Tanzalia and it is 5,895 meters and 19,340 feet tall.
There are Egypt, Libia, Tunus, Aljazair, Meraksh, Singal, Gani Basao, Gani, Laiberia, South Aferica, Athopia, Sudan, Somalia etc are the countries of this continent.
There are Egypt, Libia, Tunus, Aljazair, Meraksh, Singal, Gani Basao, Gani, Laiberia, South Aferica, Athopia, Sudan, Somalia etc are the countries of this continent.
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