- What is the name of first Computing Device?
Abacus was the first Computing Device. It was develoed 5000 years ago
- Who is John Napier?
John Napier was Scottish Mathematician.
- Write the name of the scientist who create Logarithm table.
John Napier create the Logarithm table.
- When was Logarithm table designed?
It was designed in 17th century.
- Who was Pascal?
Blaise Pascal was a French Mathematician.
- What did invent by Blaise Pascal?
He invented a Mechanical adding machine in 1642 known as Pascaline Calculator.
- Who was Von leibniz?
Von Leibniz was a German Scientist.
- What was Von Leibniz invent?
He developed a Calculating machine in 1694.
- Who is Charles Babbage?
- What was Charles Babbage design?
Charles Babbage design a automatic calculating machine.
- Write the name of scientist who develop punch card.
Herman Hollerith develop punch card
- When was punch card develop?
Punch card developed in 1890.
- Why were design digital computers?
Digital computers were design for the help in World War II.
- Write the name scientists who design digital computer.
John.p Ekert, John W. Mauchly and their designed digital computer
- What is abbreviation of ENIAC?
ENIAC stands for Electrical Numerical Integrated and Calculator
- Who design the ENIAC?
John Wiliam and John Ekert designed the ENIAC in 1946.
- What is the abberiviation of UNIVAC?
UNIVAC stands for Universal Automatic Computer.
- Write the name of scientists who form UNIVAC.
Eckert and Mauchly formed Ekert-Mauchly Computer Corporation in 1947.
- When was UNIVAC give to us bureau of census?
It was give to us bureau of census in 1951.
- How many generations of the computer?
Computer has five generations.
First generation (1946-1959)
Second generation (1959-1965)
Third generation (1965-1973)
Fourth generation (1973-1980)
Fifth generation (1980 to Onward)
- What was use in first generation computer?
The first generation computer used Vacuum Tubes.
- What was used in Second generation computer?
The second generation computer used Transistors.
- Write the names of the scientists who develop transistors.
John Bardeen, William Barttain and William Shockley developed transistors in 1947.
- Write the name of Laboratories where transistors develop.
Transistors developed in Bell Laboratories.
- Write the examples of second generation computers.
The examples of second generation computers are IBM 7094 series, IBM 1400 series and
CDC 164 etc.
- What was used in third generation computers?
Integrated Circuit Chip used in third generation computers.
- What was introduce in third generation?
IBM 360 series and ICL-1900 were introduce in third generation.
- How many Transistors are equal to the size of Vacuum Tube?
200 transistors are equal to the size of one Vacuum Tube
- How many times faster a transistors work the vacuum tube?
A transistor can work 40 times faster than vacuum tube.
- Who develop the Integrated Circuit Chip?
Jack Kilby developed the Integrated Circuit Chip.
- What is the size of Integrated Circuit Chip?
The size of Integrated Circuit Chip is about 1/4 square inch.
- When was Integrated Circuit Chip develop?
Integrated Circuit Chip develop in 1961.
- What was used in fourth generation computer?
Microprocessors were used in fourth generation computers.
- Who produced the fist Microprocessor?
Ted Hoff produced first micro processor.
- When was first microprocessor produced?
First Microprocessor produced in 1971.
- What is the other name of Microprocessor?
The other name of Microprocessor is Intel 4004.
- What is fifth generation base on?
Fifth generation based on artificial intelligence.
- What are technologies include in fifth generation?
Quantum Computation, Molecular technology and Nano Technology include in fifth
- What are the types of computers?
There are three types of computer.
1. Analog Computer 2. Digital Computer 3. Hybrid Computer
- Describe the classification of computers.
1. Super Computers 2. Main Frames 3. Mini Computers 4. Micro Computers
- Write the programming language in computer.
1. High Level Language 2. Low Level Language
- Which language computer can understand?
Computer can understand machine language.
- Write the types of Low Level Language.
1. Machine Language 2. Assembly Language
- What are the types of High Level Language?
1. FORTRON 2. Basic 3. COBOL 4. Pascal 5. Java
- What is the program needed to converts high level language to machine language.
Compiler is a program that converts high level language to machine language.
- Write the names of input devices.
Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Microphone, Touch Pad, Light Pen, Web came, Camera,
CD-ROM etc.
- Write the names of output devices.
Monitor, Speaker Printer etc.
- Size of Memory.
1024 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KB (Kilo Bytes)
1024 KB = 1MB (Mega Bytes)
1024 MB = 1 GB (Giga Bytes)
1024 GB = 1 TB (Tera Bytes)
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