Crude oil natural gas coal and other minerals to the Pakistan, the power of generosity is rewarded. What is needed now is to take fullest advantage of resources and quality of life of the people be. At that time, 65% of the total national energy. In addition, Pakistan is the 6th largest in the world who has collection of 150 billion ton coal. In 2012 the supply of energy volume was 64727 thousand TOE and it is more than 64522 TOE in last year. Present all resources of energy percentage of Pakistan is followed:
- Petroleum 29 %
- Natural Gas 44 %
- Electricity 16 %
- Coal 10 %
- LGP 100 %
The total size of the existing reserves of the crude oil in Pakistan, is 27 million. While this is only 66032 barrels daily productions. There are thirteen companies are busy in withdrawal of oil. Oil and gas are right top of them with 38284 barrels. In other companies United energy Pakistan and Pakistan petroleum are included. There are seven oil refining plant in the Pakistan. They have 14 million tonnes. The dodhak factory was closed due to error in wells. During this period 104 million oil was imported. Which have to bear burden of additional 10292 million dollars.
There are 282 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves in the Pakistan. In which 14 trillion cubic feet are use. In the year 2012 was 1559 billion cubic feet withdrawal. This is equal to 32 million TOE. Right time in Pakistan there are 146 non affiliate and 44 affiliate gas fields and these are working under ten companies. Oil and gas development company has 24.79% share. The numbers of related gas is 70. Pakistan Petroleum Limited has 18.9% share, numbers of gas field has 6 share, Muree petroleum has 13.21. Similarly ENI 11.31% share and the number of gas field is three. The detail of different companies who have shares in natural gas is as under:Natural Gas:
Co. Name Production% Punjab Sindh K.P Blochistan Total
Oil and Gas Development 24.79 12 51 2 5 70
Pakistan Petroleum 18.09 01 04 0 1 06
Marvi Petroleum Company 13.21 00 05 0 1 06
ENI 11.31 00 03 0 0 03
10.39 00 01 0 0 01
Pakistan is getting electricity from the source of hydro thermal, Coal, Solar and wind. India is getting 37 % electricity from coal, 19 % from nuclear and 9.2 % from gas. As compare to India Bangladesh is getting 73 % electricity from gas, 20.4 % from oil, 34 % coal and 3.2 % Hydro thermal. Pakistan is getting 35 % electricity from oil, 29 % from gas, and 35.7 from hydro thermal. Total consuming of electricity in Pakistan in 2011-12 are:
Year Hydro Thermal Total Changes %
2007-08 28667 57602 86269 6.8
2008-09 27763 56614 84377 -2.2
2009-10 28492 60746 89238 5.8
2010-11 32259 58316 90575 1.5
2011-12 28543 61078 89721 -1.1
2011-12 22411 45534 67945 1.5
2012-13 22273 73874 66147 1.5
Detail of total users of electricity in Pakistan in 2011-12 is as under:
- Domestic 46.5 %
- Industrial 27.5 %
- Agriculture 11.5 %
- Commercial 7.5 %
- Other Government 6.2 %
- Street Light .6 %
Production of electricity in Pakistan:
The production of electricity in Pakistan detail of different resources is as under:Year Hydro Thermal Total Changes %
2007-08 28667 57602 86269 6.8
2008-09 27763 56614 84377 -2.2
2009-10 28492 60746 89238 5.8
2010-11 32259 58316 90575 1.5
2011-12 28543 61078 89721 -1.1
2011-12 22411 45534 67945 1.5
2012-13 22273 73874 66147 1.5
Detail of total users of electricity in Pakistan in 2011-12 is as under:
- Domestic users are 17998395.
- Commercial users are 2482702.
- Industrial users are 286401.
- Agriculture users are 286487.
- Other users are 12826.
- Total users are 21046611.
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