Noble Prize (Science)
S/N Countries 1901-2003
1 America 137
2 Germany 49
3 U.K 47
4 France 18
5 Netherland 11
6 Rusian 11
7 Switzerland 10
8 Japan 8
9 Sweden 8
10 Canada 8
Here discuss the top ten countries about the noble prize in science department from 1901 to 2003. America is number one in getting noble prizes in science department and got 137 prizes. Germany is in second position and got 49 noble prizes. U.k is in the third position and got 47 noble prizes. France is in the fourth ranking and got 18 noble prizes. Netherland is in the fifth position in that field and got 11 noble prize. Russia is in the sixth position and got 11 noble prizes. Switzerland is in the tenth position and got ten noble prize. Japan is in the 8th position and got 8 noble prizes. Sweden is in the nineth position and got 8 noble prizes. Canada is in the tenth position and got 8 noble prizes.
Inter Users
S/N Countries Users %
1 Ice land 79%
2 Sweden 68%
3 Denmark 63%
4 Netherlands 61%
5 Hong Kong 60%
6 Norway 59%
7 United State 59%
8 U.K 57%
9 Australia 54%
10 South Korea 53%
Here I describe the inter users percentages of top ten different countries. Ice land has number one position and has 79%. Sweden has 2nd position and has 68%. Denmark is in the third position and it has 63% users. Netherland has fourth position and it has 61% users. Hong Kng has fifth position and it has 60% users. Norway has sixth position and it has 59% inter users. United State has seventh position and it has 59% users. U.K has 8th position and it has 57% of inter users. Autrailia has nineth position and it has 54 % of inter users. South Korea has tenth position and it has 53% of inter users.
Personal Computers
S/N Countries Numbers
1 San Marino 738
2 United State 574
3 Sweden 507
4 Denmark 503
5 Switzerland 493
6 Norway 486
7 Bermuda 469
8 Australia 460
9 Luxembourg 446
10 Singapore 436
Donars of Foreign Aid
S/N Country Aid
1 United State 12.9 Billion Dollar
2 Japan 9.2 Billion Dollar
3 Germany 5.4 Billion Dollar
4 France 5.2 Billion Dollar
5 U.K 4.8 Billion Dollar
6 Netherlands 3.4 Billion Dollar
7 Italy 2.3 Billion Dollar
8 Canada 2.0 Billion Dollar
9 Sweden 1.8 Billion Dollar
10 Norway 1.6 Billion Dollar
University Students
S/N Country Students
1 Canad 5997
2 South Korea 5609
3 Australia 5552
4 United State 5339
5 New Zealand 4508
6 Finland 4190
7 Norway 4164
8 China 4017
9 Ireland 3618
10 France 3600
Film Investments
S/N Country Million
1 United State 14661
2 Japan 852
3 United Kingdom 813
4 France 687
5 Germany 304
6 Spain 247
7 Italy 192
8 India 134
9 South Korea 133
10 Canada 132
Feature Film Production
S/N Country No of Films
1 India 1200
2 United State 543
3 Japan 293
4 France 200
5 China 137
6 Italy 130
7 Germany 116
8 Spain 100
9 Philippines 97
10 Hong Kong 92
The World's Most Powerful Countries
- United State
- Germany
- France
- United Kingdom
- Japan
- Canada
- Sweden
- China
- Norway
- Netherlands
The Top Two in Each Sector
Military Economy Sources Technology
- America America Canada America
- France Germany America Sweden
Iceland, Saudi Arabia
Military Spending
S/N Country Military Spending
1 America One Trillion Dollars
2 France Sixty Five Arab and forty Caror Dollars
3 Bertania Fifty Nine Arab and Twenty Six Caror Dollars
4 China Fifty Eight Arab and Eighty Caror Dollars
5 Russia Fifty Arab Dollars
6 Japan Forty Eight Arab and Eighty Six Caror Dollars
7 Germany Forty Five Arab and Ninety Three Caror Dollars
8 Italy Forty Arab Dollars
9 Saudi Arabia Thirty One Arab Dollars
10 South Korea Twenty Eight Arab Dollars
Top ten countries who spend money on his military. In this competition America is in the number position and it spend One Trillion Dollars on its Military. France has second position in this competition and it spend Sixty five Arab and forty caror dollars on its Military. Bertania has third position and it spend fifty nine arab and twenty six caror dollars on its Military. China has fourth position and it spend fifty eight arab and eighty caror dollars on its Military. Russia has fifth position and it spend fifty arab dollars on its Military. Japan has sixth position and it spend forty eight arab and eighty six caror dollars on its Military. Germany has seventh position in this competition and it spend forty five arab and ninety three caror dollars on its Military. Italy has 8th position and it spend forty arab dollars on its Military. Soudi Arabia has nineth position and it spend thirty one arab dollars on its Military. South Korea has tenth position and it spend twenty eight arab dollars on its Military.
Weapons Export
S/N Country Exports
1 America Seventy Four Arab and Fifty Four Caror Dollars
2 Russia Forty Five Arab and Eighty Eight Caror Dollars
3 Germany Thirty Three Arab and Ninety Five Caror Dollars
4 France Twenty Six Arab and Ninety Caror Dollars
5 Haaland Thirteen Arab and Fifty Five Caror Dollars
6 Bertania Eleven Arab and
7 Italy Five Arab and Sixty Two Caror Dollars
8 Spain Five Arab and Twenty Nine Caror Dollars
9 Sweden Four Arab and Thirteen Caror Dollars
10 China Three Arab and Fifty Five Caror Dollars
11 Canada Three Arab and Forty Three Caror Dollars
12 Israel Two Arab and Thirty Caror Dollars
13 South Korea Two Arab and Thirty Eight Caror Dollars
14 Swetezer Land One Arab and Eleven Caror
Nuclear Warheads
S/N Country Atomic Weapons
1 Russia 13000
2 United State 9400
3 France 300
4 China 240
5 United Kingdom 185
6 Israel 80
7 India 60
8 Pakistan 60
9 South Korea 10
S/N Country Exports
1 United State 731 Billion Dollars
2 Germany 608 Billion Dollars
3 Japan 384 Billion Dollars
4 China 313 Billion Dollars
5 France 308 Billion Dollars
6 United Kingdom 286 Billion Dollars
7 Canada 251 Billion Dollars
8 Italy 259 Billion Dollars
9 Netherlands 222 Billion Dollars
10 Hong Kong 199 Billion Dollars
S/N Country G.D.P
1 United State 10,082 Billion Dollars
2 China 6,000 Billion Dollars
3 Japan 3,550 Billion Dollars
4 India 2,660 Billion Dollars
5 Germany 2,184 Billion Dollars
6 France 1,540 Billion Dollars
7 United Kingdom 1,520 Billion Dollars
9 Italy 1,340 Billion Dollars
8 Brazil 1,340 Billion Dollars
9 Russia 1,270 Billion Dolars
Oil Reserves
S/N Country Oil Reserves
1 Saudi Arabia 261.8 Billion Beryl
2 Canada 180 Billion Beryl
3 Iraq 112 Billion Beryl
4 UAE 97.8 Billion Beryl
5 Kuwait 96.5 Billion Beryl
6 Iran 89.7 Billion Beryl
7 Venezuela 77.8 Billion Berul
8 Russia 60 Billion Beryl
9 Libya 29.5 Billion Dollars
10 Nigeria 24 Billion Dollars
Agricultural Exports
S/N Country Agricultural Exports
1 United State 42826 Million Dollars
2 France 24262 Million Dollars
3 Netherlands 19780 Million Dollars
4 Germany 13842 Million Dollars
5 United Kingdom 11613 Million Dollars
6 Canada 10107 Million Dollars
7 Australia 9824 Million Dollars
8 Italy 9446 Million Dollars
9 Belgium 9013 Million Dollars
10 Spain 6621 Million Dollars
Fresh Water Supplies
S/N Country Per Cap
1 Iceland 294.34
2 Gabon 176.37
3 Papus New Guines 154.61
4 Canada 84.51
5 New Zealand 79.61
6 Liberia 58.85
7 Norway 57.71
8 Congo 53.89
9 Bolivia 51.39
10 Peru 47.55