Monday, February 8, 2016


Iran Nuclear Agreement:

In Geneva 24th November 2013 a Nuclear agreement has signed between Iran and Wold Power. Due to this Nuclear agreement Iran will use his Nuclear program with in a limit. This agreement announced by Foreign Minister of Iran Jawad Zareef and Chief of European Catherone Aushton. According to agreement Iran will use Nuclear facilities with minimum resources. In this agreement Global Union including United State America will provide seven Arab Dollars to Iran against this Nuclear program. Next six months there is no ban on Iran. According to Nuclear program Iran show his consent. Iran will not use more than five percent Nuclear facilities for six months. Iran will give permission for inspection of his Nuclear plants. New sentry Fogies will not launch next and world inspection team's nuclear installation will access. 
Iran and other hand United State America, Bertania, Germany Russia and Chine four days after talk this deal settle. According to this deal more than 20 percent of uranium will be take quite. Number of sentry fugues will be increase in future and not use of modern sentry fugues. Irani nuclear plants will be open for inspection every time, means there will be every steps launch which is not boding of making nuclear weapons. Due to this West countries will give seven Arab dollars. In next six months there will be no restrictions on Iran. In present situation the permission of import of oil will be remain. Iran will get one and half Arab dollars exchange trading in Petrochemical and auto sector. 
After talk in Geneva all countries including Germany showed their pleasure. United State America President Barack Obama said that this step of agreement will make world more safe and resolve the nuclear difference. According to this agreement Iran will not make nuclear weapons. Due to this whole world more safe. Barack Obama said that according to this agreement Iran will receive four Arab and twenty Caror dollars. We success to stop the ability of nuclear program. Our purpose is only that resolve the issue with peace. 

The country's biggest power electricity plant:

The country's biggest power electricity plant foundation on 26th November 2013 in Karachi by Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Nawaz Shareef. Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Nawaz Shareef said that to solve the electricity crises by depending on the nuclear energy. And further six nuclear plants will be launched. Pakistan points to energy commission places. These things The Prime Minister of Pakistan with the help of China put foundation of 2200 mega watt production of electricity. He said in his address after points to energy commission places Government will support in launch nuclear energy plants. Forty mega watt get electricity from the implementation of energy vision program. Chinee financiers are financing in different departments of energy. Pakistan Government will support Chinee financiers who finance in Pakistan. If we could not control it country will be running in the darkness.

Jeneral Raheel Shareef elected as new Chief of Army Staff:

Prime Minster of Pakistan Mian Nawaz Shareef announced the Lft. General Raheel Shareef as Chief of Army staff of Pakista. He controlled his charge as Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan on 29th November 2013. Lft. General Rashid Mehmood promoted from General to Chairman Joint of Staff. These most important posts promotion summary sent by defense sectary. This summary accepted by Prime Minster of Pakistan  and advise the President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain  to sign on the summary and recommend it. General Raheel Shaeef takes place of Jeneral Prvaiz Ashfaq Kiyani.

New Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Tasadaq Hussain Jilani:

On 12th December 2013 Mr. Tasadaq Hussain Jilani was elected as Chief Justice of Pakistan. He takes place of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary. The President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain was oath from new Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Tasadaq Gilani. In this ceremony Prime Minster of Pakistan Mian Nawaz Shareef, opposition leader Seyed Khursheed Shah, Speaker National Assembly Sardar Iyaz Sadaq, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Commaty, Prime Minster of Azad Kashmir Chaudhary Abdul Mujeed and include most popular personalities were participated.  

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